Sunday, June 19, 2011

Empire of the Sun

Well what can I say.. Empire of the Sun is amazing! I have yet to see them live but they are definitley on my to-do list for this year. When I went Coachella I was really mad about set schedules becasue I had missed their set because I was at Animal Collective (which was INSANE). I hear that Empire of the Sun live is very entertaining, they have costumes, dancers, lights, and props. I guess they bring the music really to life. Definitley reccomend checking them out if you haven't already.

So instead of doing an mp3 and a video I decided to do two videos and no mp3. To really get my point across about their costumes and vibes you really must watch the music videos. To get the Full effect.

||  We are the People  ||

||  Walking on a Dream ||